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August 2016
Il fascino della tradizione alla scoperta della cultura francoprovenzale. Giunto alla 14° edizione, Barmes Folk è una kermesse non solo musicale che prevede anche stage di danze, animazione ed intrattenimento per i più piccoli e mercatini con artigianato locale, articoli provenzali e prodotti enogastronomici del territorio. Si svolge tutti gli anni a Balme con la partecipazione di gruppi musicali folk facenti parte principalmente dell'area Francoprovenzale e Occitana con ospiti d'onore provenienti da Oltralpe. Una tre giorni di concerti e balli…
Find out more »Beautiful music in villas, castles and sacred places – PESSINETTO
The event of Pessinetto, shrine of Saint Ignazio CLASSIC AND MODERN The Music Labyrinth. The string quartet of the Schumann and Webern's musics. Daidalos Quartet (2 Violins, Viola, cello). At the end "Apericiocco" with Poretti's chocolate, poetry reading, typical products. shrine of S. Ignazio Torino and the Alps 2016 Festival – Beautiful music in villas, castles and sacred places Twelve musical meetings will lighten up the Lanzo Valley summer so as to value the Valleys historic-architectural heritage, from villas to churches. Each event will be…
Find out more »Beautiful music in villas, castles and sacred places – CHIALAMBERTO
The event of Chialamberto, villa Caremi ROMANTIC Love within the chamber music of Lieder: Lieder and love theme poems. Duo Giacchero-Tibone (Soprano, Piano, Poet Parodi) At the end Apericiocco with Poretti's chocolate, poetry reading, typical products. villa Caremi Torino and the Alps 2016 Festival – Beautiful music in villas, castles and sacred places Twelve musical meetings will lighten up the Lanzo Valley summer so as to value the Valleys historic-architectural heritage, from villas to churches. Each event will be characterized by a different kind of…
Find out more »September 2016
Beautiful music in villas, castles and sacred places – MONASTERO DI LANZO
The event of Chialamberto, villa Caremi OPERA-JAZZ Blow the Note!: repertoire for wind instruments quintet, form classic to opera and jazz Quintetto Asrea (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn) At the end Apericiocco with Poretti's chocolate, typical products. chiesa di Traves Torino and the Alps 2016 Festival – Beautiful music in villas, castles and sacred places Twelve musical meetings will lighten up the Lanzo Valley summer so as to value the Valleys historic-architectural heritage, from villas to churches. Each event will be characterized by a different…
Find out more »4° Vertical Race
Gara per atleti tesserati + corsa non competitiva Partenza dal Pian della Mussa e arrivo a Rocca Turo (mt 2760 slm), alle spalle del Rifugio Gastaldi Sviluppo km 3,250 – dislivello positivo mt 970 Il percorso è interamente su terreno tecnico di alta montagna. PROGRAMMA 7,30 – 9,00 Ritrovo atleti, verifiche, ritiro pettorale e pacco gara presso il Rifugio Città di Ciriè 9.30 trasferimento alla linea di partenza 10.00 PARTENZA IN LINEA (mt 1850 slm) 12.30 circa Premiazione e pranzo presso…
Find out more »January 2017
Three valleys in the snow – Ceres
A rich schedule of events, from December to March, in the Lanzo Valleys “Montagna per Tutti” suggest, this winter too, many hikes, snow-shoes hikes, skiing in the Lanzo Valleys, just a few kilometers outside of Turin. The routes have been studied for families, children, elderly and people with disabilities, but there also are itineraries for more experienced people. We are waiting for you all in the Lanzo Valleys! Agenda Date Place Friday December 30th Cantoira twilight Sunday January 8rd Ceres…
Find out more »Montagna per Tutti – LEMIE
A rich schedule of events, from December to March, in the Lanzo Valleys “Montagna per Tutti” suggest, this winter too, many hikes, snow-shoes hikes, skiing in the Lanzo Valleys, just a few kilometers outside of Turin. The routes have been studied for families, children, elderly and people with disabilities, but there also are itineraries for more experienced people. We are waiting for you all in the Lanzo Valleys! Agenda Date Place Friday December 30th Cantoira twilight Sunday January 8rd Ceres…
Find out more »February 2017
Montagna per Tutti – GROSCAVALLO
A rich schedule of events, from December to March, in the Lanzo Valleys “Montagna per Tutti” suggest, this winter too, many hikes, snow-shoes hikes, skiing in the Lanzo Valleys, just a few kilometers outside of Turin. The routes have been studied for families, children, elderly and people with disabilities, but there also are itineraries for more experienced people. We are waiting for you all in the Lanzo Valleys! Agenda Date Place Friday December 30th Cantoira twilight Sunday January 8rd Ceres…
Find out more »March 2017
Sguardo Antico Gesto Futuro Vol. 2 – EVENTO FINALE
Il 26 marzo 2017 a partire dalle 18,30 si terrà l’evento finale di SGUARDO ANTICO GESTO FUTURO VOL. 2, festival culturale che ha interessato il territorio delle Valli di Lanzo, in particolare i comuni di Balme, Ala di Stura e il Pian della Mussa. PROGRAMMA: 18,30 – 19,30 Presentazione del libro d’artista di Simona Da Pozzo 19,30 – 21,00 Aperitivo e degustazione di prodotti tipici 21,00 – 24,00 Esibizione live delle band che hanno partecipato al contest musicale Rock the…
Find out more »January 2019
Semplice escursione per festeggiare in allegria l'ultimo giorno delle festività Programma: ore 13,30: ritrovo presso piazza Europa a Ceres per apertura iscrizioni e partenza. L'escursione si svolgerà sul sentiero "Natura" che porta a Cantoira. ore 16,00: rientro dall'escursione con premiazione e merenda per tutti i partecipanti Prenotazioni: è gradita la prenotazione ai numeri +39 3898379177 o +39 3272558380 o all'indirizzo email: OPPURE COMPILA IL MODULO SOTTOSTANTE:
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