
Il territorio - Comune di Cantoira


Cantoira is situated on Monte Bellavarda slopes at 750 m of altitude. The Santa Cristina Chapel is built on a very steep summit. In the old times the village’s name was Canturia which, according to some theory, could originate from the Roman Centuria that settled on the site. Another theory has the name originating from cantoria (choir) since a monks cloister probably was located in the village. Val Grande and, therefore, Cantoira’s first inhabitants were, almost for sure, of Ligurian origin and, later on, they merged with Celtic groups. The first written documents concerning Cantoira date from the XIVth century. The village, as many others of the Lanzo Valleys, followed the fate of the Lanzo Castle lord. In 1350 the Baratonia Viscounts ruled over it. In 1724 the feud passed on to Carlo Emanuele Ripa di Giaglione and in 1769 to the Biglianis. Later on, the political, economic and social events of Cantoira were strictly intertwined with the Savoy Family’s.

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