The church of Saint James the Greater

San Giacomo Maggiore

This parish church is a lovely example of architecture of the period between Baroque and Neoclassic.

It is an imposing bulding in a setting previously dominated by the medieval castle, which was destroyed in the 17th century.

The church was built according to the wish of the people of Balangero and the Archbishop of Turin, Rorengo di Rorà: It was started in 1774-75 and completed in 1811.

The frescos in the dome, painted by Pietro Fea (1771-1842) and the statue of Saint Joseph with child Jesus by Stefano Maria Clemente (1793) are of particular importance.

The church is composed of one nave with side chapels.

The multicoloured glass windows with the images of saints and the Virgin Mary are remarkable.



Suggested period
Tutto l'anno
Opening period
Tutto l'anno
Starting point
Via Chiesa 12, 10070 Balangero (TO) 0123 346306

Recommended for

  • Everybody


The church is on a hill and is visible from the main road. To reach it, it is necessary to pass  through the streets of the town centre, following the indications for ‘Casa Margherita’, a residence for old people which stands next to the church entrance. Cars can be left behind the church.

The flight of steps in front of the church makes it impossible for the disabled with wheelchairs to enter .