Easy “historical” trail allowing to reach, all year around, Pian della Mussa by the itinerary Adolfo Kind and Stefano Roiti followed in December 1896, during the first documented skiing tour in Italy. The ski run follows, backwards, the old mule track on the slope. It offers an interesting panorama on the great Torrioni del Ru rocky wall, on the opposite side of the valley, where ibexes spend winter and spring months.
Pista Kind (Balme - Pian della Mussa)

Recommended for
- Hikers
- Families
- Mountain bike
- Snow-shoes
- Barrier-free - joelette
- Everybody
Reach Balme residential area and, level with the church, enter the tiny street crossing the stream and park your car in the wide area in front of the ski lift.
Climb along the ski lift until you enter, on the right, the wide track leading to the ice skating ring and Rocca SARI whereabouts. Six wood sculptures, work of “La Foresta di Sherwood” Association, are at your left, while on the right you will enjoy interesting views of Balme Village, of the sixteenth century Rucias fortified house and of the Gorgia waterfall.
By the side of the great boulder, a board indicated the dry stone wall of the ‘30s ski jumping structure. Proceeding along the trail, the Bogone stone bridge (XVIII century) is on you right. It is one of the few Lanzo Valleys arch bridges survived to the floods.
The trail climbs to a plateau near the Castàss pasture huts, beyond which, pointed out by a board, the Altare Preistorico is to be seen. It is a great “roccia a coppelle”, rock with big cavities connected by ruts which is thought to be Neolithic shepherd’s work.
The climb continues until a new board indicates the Arpòsa dii Mort. Two rocks of equal height stand on both sides of the trail. In old times, they allowed the bearers to rest the corpse stretcher during the funeral descent from Pian della Mussa.
Shortly, the trail reaches the “lose” quarry from where slates for roofing were cut. Having overcome two small altars, the trail reaches Pian della Mussa near La Masinà agritourism. It is possible to reach Rifugio Ciriè by following the county road.
The descent follows the same itinerary.
“Escursionismo per tutti” di Roberto Bergamino e Umbro Tessiore Ed. Arti Grafiche San Rocco
Alte Valli di Lanzo – carta n° 17 L’Escursionista & Monti editori; Valli di Lanzo – carta dei sentieri 3 Val d’Ala e Val Grande

Antico albergo Camussot

Rifugio Escursionistico Posto Tappa GTA Les Montagnards

Agriturismo La Masinà

Rifugio Escursionistico CAI Città di Ciriè

Trattoria Alpina Pian della Mussa