Ala di Stura La Giaseri ice skating

Pattinaggio La Giaseri Ala di Stura - profilo

The ice skating rink, managed by ASD Hockey Club Ala di Stura, is a 1200 square meters rink equipped with night lights and a very good audio system allowing to skate with music, in a larch and beech wood with sight on the mountains. During the season, hockey matches and practices, mini-hockey courses for children and fun BroomBall tournaments open to everybody take place. From 2013, a second area (600 square meters) is available for curling equipped with the necessary stones.

During the opening afternoons and night times, the adjacent Sacripante Bar offers, as refreshments bombardini, focaccia bread, piadinas and very good hot chocolate to warm up.

BroomBall and Curling equipment rental available

Info: mobile phones 339-3433635 / 339-2148982      E-mail:


From 3,00 € to 5,00 €

Recommended for

  • Winter sports


Just before reaching Ala di Stura residential area, turn left from the county road and, after about 1 km, turn again left in proximity of the “Sacripante” sign. The rink is located 5 meters below the Sacripante DiscoPub, in Via Circonvallazione 42 at Ala di Stura.