C.A.I. Ala di Stura


Club Alpino Italiano sezione di Ala di Stura
Piazza Centrale 22
10070 Ala di Stura (TO)
Mobile: 333 2040510

The Club Alpino Italiano - Ala di Stura branch main purpose is to facilitate people’s approach to the mountains through the many available activities: mountaineering, ski mountaineering, hiking, climbing, some via ferrata, just to mention some of them. Among C.A.I. Ala di Stura goals is the knowledge and protection of the mountain environment. This project is being tenaciously carried on by trail, climbing walls and mountain works maintenance.

Foreign languages

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish

Recommended for

  • Mountaineers
  • Climbing
  • Hikers
  • Skilled hikers
  • Families
  • Mountain bike
  • Nordic walking
  • Fishing
  • Snow-shoes
  • Ski mountaineering
  • Barrier-free - joelette
  • Winter sports
  • Everybody

Servin Loop

An interesting loop hike, at Balme doorstep, allows visiting a side valley with the possibility to m...
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This is an important climbing site in the Valleys’ history. Gone out of style, lately it has been re...
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Bivacco Molino

An easy day trip to reach, all year around, this bivouac at the foot of the Uja di Mondrone rocky wa...
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Ala sundials

This is a set of thematic itineraries “to discover ancient time”, when the sun ruled the valleys inh...
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Lago Afframont

It is a very popular, easy and short hike allowing to reach one of the many Val d’Ala lakes. Lago Af...
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Balme boulders

Professionally equipped by Guide Alpine Valli di Lanzo (Mountain Guides), four boulders offer an adv...
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