Easy and interesting itinerary that joins Ala and Balme Town Halls, mainly along the stream banks. It develops through the woods and meadows nature, suitable for everybody. It is an agreeable way to spend a full day in the open air, planning the return in the evening by public transportation. Keen fishermen will find the “Alafishing Tre Ponti” reserve “kill” zone, from the chair-lift bridge to the Cresto bridge. From the Cresto bridge to the Tomà bridge the zone is “no kill”. Beyond that point, the Region rules fishing.
Sport & nature Ala - Balme

Recommended for
- Hikers
- Families
- Nordic walking
- Fishing
- Snow-shoes
- Barrier-free - joelette
- Everybody
Starting from Ala di Stura Central Square, walk towards Balme. At the first crossroads follow Via Villar that leads to the hamlet of the same name.
Just beyond Villar furnace, enter the mule track on the left of the road, leading to the Stura stream. Cross the stream on the bridge and follow the dirt road which, flanking the stream, climbs up the valley. Having reached the Cresto bridge, continue climbing, following the stream meanders, up to the Tomà di Martassina hamlet meadows where a bridge connects the two banks. With a 20 minutes walk, along a well marked trail on the same bank side, you will reach the well known Gorgia, where the Stura waters enter a very narrow gorge plunging in a deep chasm. A short way beyond the waterfall, the trail arrives at the Pianard bridge. You may reach Mondrone village by crossing the stream and through the mule track beginning on the opposite bank. Level with the small soccer field, climb up the meadows on the left and reach a track, just a little higher up, running along the county road. Nearby a notice board, the trail becomes obvious and descends towards the stream, fords it and enters a small wood. At Molette, at the Coronel foot, cross, in quick succession, 4 fords so as to definitely reach the right side of the Stura and exit on Chialambertetto plain, level with the old county road. Follow it to Chialambertetto then reach on your left, the main road, cross it and take again the trail, which climbs up. After a couple of narrow turns, it enters a beech wood and climbs it at half slope until coming out on a grassy plain. Cross the meadow and keep on along the trail up to a crossroads. Going to the right, you will directly descend to Albaron hamlet at Balme. If you climb to the left, you will reach, in about half-hour the Cornetti hamlet, passing through I Frè and touching the Val Servin nature itinerary.
“Escursionismo per tutti” di Roberto Bergamino e Umbro Tessiore Ed. Arti Grafiche San Rocco.
Alte Valli di Lanzo – carta n° 17 L’Escursionista & Monti editori; Valli di Lanzo – carta dei sentieri 3 Val d’Ala e Val Grande.

Antico albergo Camussot

Rifugio Escursionistico Posto Tappa GTA Les Montagnards

Agriturismo La Masinà

Bar - Pizzeria - Trattoria Val Servin

Rifugio Escursionistico CAI Città di Ciriè

C.A.I. Ala di Stura