This long crossing in a wide and not very popular environment is not difficult but, nevertheless, for skilled hikers. It offers unexpected panoramas on the valleys summits and, farther away, on Gran Paradiso and Mount Rosa massifs. Looking down below, instead, the Paschiet and Vallonetto valleys with their six alpine little lakes offer a beautiful view.
Laghi Verdi - Colle Paschiet – Punta Golai – Cima Chiavesso – Colle del Vallonetto Crossing

Recommended for
- Mountaineers
- Skilled hikers
From Balme, Frazione Cornetti, proceed along the carriage road up to Frazione I Frè and park the car.
The trail up to Passo del Paschiet is very well indicated, as it is the same as the popular GTA (Grande Traversata delle Alpi), by the unique red and white GTA stamps. Cross the bridge and follow the trail that climbs along the stream. Beyond the Pian Salè and Garavela pasture huts, proceed along a narrow stretch, very similar to a gully, and reach Alpe Pian Buet. From this point you cross the stream to the right so as to reach the Laghi Verdi and just a bit further the Gandolfo bivouac and, through rubbles, Passo Paschiet. Climb the grassy slopes on the left to arrive at Punta Golai. Continue the crossing descending to Colle delle Puraciere, paying attention to the last part of the descent, which may be slippery. In front you will now have the Cima Chiavesso. Overcome the cliff, which looks more demanding that it really is, and reach the higher grassy slope. Climb it along the trail irregular traces until reaching the Cima Chiavesso summit. Descend northward the wide ridge, at first made up by rocky boulders and successively by grassy ground, which gently slopes away to Colle del Vallonetto. Climb down at the center of the grassy little valley until the trail traces turn decisively to the left to go around some rocks. Follow the traces until you reach the GTA trail near Alpe Pian Buet. Descend to the valley and to Frazione I Frè through the ascent trail.
“Escursionismo per tutti” di Roberto Bergamino e Umbro Tessiore Ed. Arti Grafiche San Rocco; “72 Escursioni fra le Uje di Lanzo” di Sergio Marchisio Ed. L’Arciere
Alte Valli di Lanzo – carta n° 17 L’Escursionista & Monti editori; Valli di Lanzo – carta dei sentieri 3 Val d’Ala e Val Grande

Antico albergo Camussot

Rifugio Escursionistico Posto Tappa GTA Les Montagnards