Ski mountaineering: Canale delle Capre Area

Scialpinismo Canale delle Capre - profilo

At a first glance, Pian della Mussa seems to be surrounded by steep walls impossible for skiing. The South and North slopes only seem to be accessible. In reality the Eastern slope is cut through by two narrow passages which, during the winter, filled with snow allowing ski access to the slopes from 2200/2500 m to front rank summits as far as runs and landscape beauty is concerned. They are the Canale D’Arnas and Canale Delle Capre.


Suggested period
April - May.
Starting point
Pian della Mussa
Elevation gain
From 800 to 1800 m
From BS to OSA (good skiers – excellent mountaineering skiers)

Recommended for

  • Ski mountaineering


From Balme to Pian della Mussa (usually the main road is opened after mid April –  information on the subject in this portal).  Before April it is necessary to ascend from Balme to Pian della Mussa by ski mountaineering, extra ascent time 1.30 hrs.


Canale delle Capre

From the Pian della Mussa’s end you climb a beautiful and evident very steep couloir until you exit on Pian Gias.  In late winter or in case of little snow, pay attention to the risk of possible holes in the stream below. If you have any doubt and in case of firm snow, climb the summer trail to Pian dei Morti and from here, through wide slopes, reach Pian Gias. Rifugio Gastaldi is 15 minutes away, southward and past the old cableway arrival station.

Albaron di Savoia – Monte Collerin

Go through the Pian del Gias valley and then turn right toward Passo di Chalanson. Once you arrive here, climb the slopes on the left that take you toward Sella d’Albaron from where, through the easy W ridge, you reach the Monte Collerin summit to the left. If you proceed along the SE ridge you will reach the wide Albaron di Savoia summit open space, through a climb on mixed passages of snow and rocks, at times sharp and exposed.

Piccola Ciamarella

From Pian Gias climb through steep slopes towards the Ciamarella glacier. Cross it westwards getting near the Piccola Ciamarella. Ascent the small but steep slope below the pass that separates it from Punta Chalanson and then follow the crest with easy climb up to the scenic summit.


From Pian Gias climb through steep slopes to the Ciamarella glacier. Cross it eastwards, reaching the foot of the steep wall. Bypass the rocky rampart and climb the wall. If you keep to the right you will exit on the SE crest with a steeper itinerary. If you cross diagonally to the left you will exit on the W ridge with a less steep itinerary.


“Scialpinismo: dal Monceniso all’Isere” di Lorenzo Barbiè  Blu Edizioni


Alte Valli di Lanzo – carta n° 17 L’Escursionista & Monti editori; Valli di Lanzo – carta dei sentieri 3 Val d’Ala e Val Grande