Professionally equipped by Guide Alpine Valli di Lanzo (Mountain Guides), four boulders offer an adventurous and exploratory itinerary with 19 routes of various difficulties. It is, therefore, an ideal introduction to rock climbing for children and everybody else. Children may also enhance their climbing techniques with Balme Ginevrè itinerary – Section “Bocia”.
Balme boulders

Recommended for
- Mountaineers
- Climbing
- Families
- Everybody
Overtake the Chialambertetto hamlet. Right after the bridge, leading on your left to Villaggio Albaron and Pian della Mussa Mineral Water plant, park the car in the wide dirt area along the Stura. Cross the little wooden bridge to the right of the road at the directional boards.
In the 1960s, few “local” mountaineers tried, on these boulders, to overtake several moves on smooth slabs and overhangs. Later on, due to the ‘70s “Nuovo Mattino” movement, the boulders were abandoned and forgotten to be recently rediscovered.
In memory of these feats, the routes “al lumàsses” on the Ciamarella boulder and the ”lou patouà” on the Bessanese boulder have been equipped and integrated in children and beginners’ context.
These boulders have been studied and realized so as to allow safeguard climbing introduction and practice to a large number of people, including children, persons with psychological distress and intellectual, sensory and motor disabilities.
As a matter of fact, climbing is a sport contributing to implement a person’s fundamental elements such as self-esteem, self-confidence and awareness of his/her own capabilities. These elements are particularly valuable in children’s growth and in social inclusion and participation paths of people with disabilities.
Everybody, with the help of the properly trained Lanzo Valleys Mountain Guides, may experience, on these boulders, the thrill and pleasure of a unique sport. In its practice, a person’s limits management and overcoming obstacles can represent a conquest both for body and mind.
Alte Valli di Lanzo – carta n° 17 L’Escursionista & Monti editori; Valli di Lanzo – carta dei sentieri 3 Val d’Ala e Val Grande

Antico albergo Camussot

Rifugio Escursionistico Posto Tappa GTA Les Montagnards

Alpine guides Valli di Lanzo

C.A.I. Ala di Stura