It is a thrilling trail bypassing Uja di Mondrone. This itinerary proposes a succession of various alpine environments from the mild pasturelands just above Rifugio Ciriè to the wild and shady slope of the Sea valley among stony grounds and snowfields. The trail proceeds to the Ometto valley and succeeding woods to finally reach again the valley bottom. It is suggested to have two cars at disposal.
Ghicet di Sea - Uja Mondrone Tour

Recommended for
- Hikers
Follow the SP1 County road beyond the village of Balme and to the Pian della Mussa’s end (about 6 km). Leave the car near the trail to Rifugio Gastaldi starting point (at the foot of Rifugio Città di Ciriè).
Follow the trail starting from parking area near the Rifugio. Shortly you will enter a narrow and steep little valley, which takes you to Pian Ciamarella. Walk along the stream and, after having overcome some grassy bumps, you will see the Alpe of Pian Ciamarella. After having reached the pasture, cross the stream on the right and climb along it until you pass to the right of a big boulder at the end of the plain. You will now enter a small valley delimited on the right by a stony ground. Keeping to the left and through a steep trail you will reach small grassy terraces. Cross to the right the last steep slope and you will reach the Ghicet hollow.
Descent is following the same itinerary.
Only in case of high visibility and wanting to hike the Uja di Mondrone tour, you will overlook the Sea valley and descend a wide and open trail at first. Later on, you will cross a steep scree gully until you will reach a dizzying ledge. Follow the ledge that is going to narrow, descend until you reach several screes on Punta Rossa di Sea and Uja di Mondrone slopes. The ledge delimits vegetation on the mountain slope. Below it there is short but lush grass, above it there is almost no grass. Rock engravings going back to the end of the nineteenth century characterise the ledge! You will proceed on level ground, cutting through screes so as to reach three plains marked by big boulders. After having crossed the last plain, turn to the left and follow the steep trail in the direction of the evident Passo dell’Ometto, the name of which originates from the small pinnacle on the side. You will then overlook at a small valley descending through steep turns toward the valley at the foot of the breathtaking Uja di Mondrone North wall. Proceeding then to the left you will reach a wide pasture area at the foot of Cima Leitosa. Keep now to the Rio Maian right until the trail meets the Bivacco Molino itinerary.
“Escursionismo per tutti” di Roberto Bergamino e Umbro Tessiore Ed. Arti Grafiche San Rocco; “72 Escursioni fra le Uje di Lanzo” di Sergio Marchisio Ed. L’Arciere.
Alte Valli di Lanzo – carta n° 17 L’Escursionista & Monti editori; Valli di Lanzo – carta dei sentieri 3 Val d’Ala e Val Grande

Antico albergo Camussot

Rifugio Escursionistico Posto Tappa GTA Les Montagnards

Agriturismo La Masinà

Rifugio Escursionistico CAI Città di Ciriè

Trattoria Alpina Pian della Mussa

C.A.I. Lanzo