

Andrea Mantelli
Via Forneri 44
10070 Mezzenile (TO)
Mobile: 353 4371011

Lanzotrekking promotes outdoor tourism in the Lanzo Valleys. Working with professionals in the various realms of guiding and environmental education. We show the most beautiful corners of the valleys, as well as their history and the environment, with simple strolls, walks, bike rides, treks, snowshoe hikes, visits to alpine pastures, local farms and ecomuseums. The itineraries take place all across the region, with varying themes and difficulties, and suitable for a range of people: walkers with all levels of fitness, big or small groups, families, and people with different health conditions

Foreign languages

  • English
  • French

Recommended for

  • Mountaineers
  • Hikers
  • Skilled hikers
  • Families
  • Snow-shoes
  • Barrier-free - joelette
  • Winter sports
  • Summer sports
  • Everybody


  • Bank transfer
  • Cash
  • BricTour03

  • Pian della Mussa

    Pian della Mussa

  • rif. Gastaldi

    rif. Gastaldi

  • Sentiero balcone Val Grande

    Sentiero balcone Val Grande

  • Sentiero natura Val Servin

    Sentiero natura Val Servin

Mines loop

This tour, not particularly difficult, offers the opportunity to visit three mines abandoned for yea...
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Monte Civrari

Monte Civrari is a magnificent massif formed by three separate summits. The goal of the trekking is ...
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Ala sundials

This is a set of thematic itineraries “to discover ancient time”, when the sun ruled the valleys inh...
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Servin Loop

An interesting loop hike, at Balme doorstep, allows visiting a side valley with the possibility to m...
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Pera Cagna

At the beginning of this easy tour, corresponding to the GTA itinerary up to Alpe Trione meadows, th...
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Bivacco Molino

An easy day trip to reach, all year around, this bivouac at the foot of the Uja di Mondrone rocky wa...
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Lago Afframont

It is a very popular, easy and short hike allowing to reach one of the many Val d’Ala lakes. Lago Af...
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Nordic walking

A.N.I. School’s goal is to supply people wanting to try Nordic Walking with appropriate means to rec...
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Ghicet di Sea

Pian della Mussa
A VALUE BETWEEN SEVERE AND AMAZING MOUNTAINS Ascent from Pian della Mussa up to the watershed with the Sea valley along an open itinerary that offers wide views through pastures and narrow paths, kingdom of marmots (now sleeping), eagles, bearded vultures and ibexes. The panorama is breathtaking both on the way up (on the main peaks of the valleys to the south) and on arrival at the Ghicet di Sea, which is located overlooking the valley below. Perfect trip in autumn when the sunny exposure allows you to warm up despite the altitude and the possibility to enjoy the warm seasonal colors of the vegetation. Elevation difference: 950 m; Max altitude: 2757 m; Physical commitment: tough

Discovering Tesso valley

EXCURSION UNTIL THE SHRINE OF MARSAGLIA A day's walk to discover various aspects of the territory of the Tesso valley, along path 408 through woods and alpine pastures. The shrine and the village of Marsaglia are a pleasant place where peace and tranquility recharge the walkers. For those who wish to do so, the Cà du Tri farm offers at the end a small tasting of its products and a visit to its orchards and the surrounding village. / MEETING: 9:00 am, hamlet De Michelis, Coassolo (about 750 m) / COST: 15 €. Departure: fraz. Chestnut, Coassolo (750 m approx.) / Type: Round trip. Difference in altitude: 760 m approx. Distance: 15 Km. Estimated walking time: about 5 hours + stops